Be a part of the solution and help save animal lives with us.

Join us in our mission to help homeless pets. There are endless ways for you to give back. Find the one that’s right for you and get started today!

  • Adopting a pet is infinitely rewarding! View available pets online and learn more about adoptions today.

  • There are many ways to donate, from general fund gifts to estate planning and wills. Find out how far your donation goes at GIHS and take the first steps to give to animals in need.

  • The time that volunteers dedicate to GIHS enables us to continue to save lives and expand services. There are so many ways to volunteer. Join us!

Become a Member

Your membership and support genuinely mean a lot to us and give us a real boost for the important work we do on behalf of the animals on Galveston Island.

Funds that we raise through our membership campaign assist with achieving our goals along with providing the daily care needed for the 2,000+ pets who arrive at the shelter annually. Your donation towards membership will add you to our contact list so you will know what is happening at the shelter and around town as we work to find homes for our furry friends. Read our 2023 Membership Letter here.

Join the Team

We are always accepting applications. View the open job descriptions and apply online today!

Community Cats

GIHS is Successfully Lowering Intake with Trap, Neuter, Release Program

In Spring 2015, Galveston’s City Council passed a feral cat ordinance, allowing the Galveston Island Humane Society to develop and implement a Trap-Neuter-Release, or TNR program, called Galveston Island Community Cats (GICC). Read about the success of our Community Cats Program.

Explore Our Resources

Follow our journey @galvestonhumane

We need you!
Become a GIHS volunteer today.